In hard times the search for the positive is important. All of a sudden something happens that helps you to scatter heavy thoughts and reminds you to smile and laugh again. It was not really expected for an old AC/DC fan like myself…been there since the start in 1973…that a new album would be released. Brian Johnson, Phil Rudd, Cliff Williams are all unexpectedly back and Stevie Young is there again taking the place of the deeply missed Malcolm Young, who passed away in 2017. Angus Young gives the impression to never retire and will surely produce AC/DC riffs in one form or the other.

In connection to the recent release, I read some reviews in Swedish media with only a few really good beats of ‘Shot In The Dark’ from the Power Up album (Columbia, Nov. 13, 2020) in mind. The grading of 1-5, normally, or 1-10, messes up my expectations of the album and the ones I read gave only 3 of 5 with rather uninspired comments. These reviews give a feeling that the album has not been listened through enough times to form the base of a fair review. It has also been interesting to follow the marketing campaign of the album on social media and Brian Johnson in one clip explains that the main reason of the album is ‘to create some happiness, laughs and pay tribute to Malcolm’.

In that sense, this is a top album with a top-top score from metalsouth. It creates happiness, gives a lot of laughs and brings forward the positivism now heavily needed. The sound is technically perfect and the songs are without order all worth to listen through…at high volume. Thanks to the AC/DC boys for the hard work, which now creates hope for better times. Mission accomplished!

Friends Arena, Solna, Sweden, July 19, 2015.

200, New Genre, Election Day!

metalsouth passes 200 used records offered for sale at the Discogs site (via link below). The collection of used albums there offered may seem without structure. As explained earlier, there is no direct structure, but more being a mirror of musical upbringing and taste of the undersigned. Therefore, we now also bring Hip Hop into the shop based upon impressions and proposals from own and now adult children and their friends.

It is Election Day in USA today, November 3, 2020. metalsouth would like to honor this big day, by here promoting only US music. We wish the American voters the best of luck.

We congratulate Discogs, which turned 20 year old yesterday. ’13 million releases, 7 million artists and almost 60 million items for sale from 150,000 sellers’ (source: Discogs CEO Kevin Lewandoski, mail, 3 Nov., 2020).


The tip of the day for Swedish viewers is a documentary about ‘Jan Johansson – a small film about a big artist’ today on channel SVT1 9:00 p.m. Jan Johanssons important role in Swedish music life and the music careers of his two sons Jens and Anders has recently been described at metalsouth.