More than 200 titles available

A few more than 200 titles are now available at our Discogs account. A genre well spread collection of used LP’s and CD’s. In some cases vinyls are of mint condition, i.e. never played, but most are VG+ and VG in media/cover/inner sleeve condition. A very careful packing in a special cardboard box is performed with an inner-and an outer compartment. Postnord is used for transport and PayPal for payment.The LP’s presented below are only a few examples of what is offered.

Please, note that we’re adding a copy of the classical Jethro Tull album ‘Too old to rock’n’roll: Too young to die’ (1976, Chrysalis Records/6307 572-German pressing). More Jethro Tull classicals are already for sale at good prices. Please, also find more information on Jethro Tull and their show in Helsingborg recently posted.

Swedish titles by: Ensamma Hjärtan, Fria Proteatern, Eric Gadd, Per Gessle, Johan Kinde, Pontus & Amerikanerna and many more.
Non-Swedish titles by: Louis Armstrong, The Beach Boys, Count Basie, James Brown, Jethro Tull, The Byrds and many more.

Please, follow metalsouth at Facebook, Instagram and Discogs.

Circular, but yet to be completely sustainable.

From own collection, framed poster, source is ‘”iQuote” famous icons/famous quotes’ and Frank Sinatra CD’s with detailed source information via discogs link below.

metalsouth is selling second hand vinyls and now also CD’s from own collection at discogs (details via the link) for very reasonable prices. Deliveries are made globally in special record cardboard packages with one inner-and one outer compartment. The condition of each item is stated in our discogs account and the aim is to deliver at least ‘VG+’ on the media.

100 titles are now available and many more are to come. Below are some LP’s exemplifying the wide range of artist, genres and musical eras representing own musical upbringing and interest.

LP’s from own collection. Swedish: Peter Le Marc, Adolphson & Falk, Carl Anton/Monica Nielsen. Non-Swedish: The Beach Boys, Ian Dury & the Blockheads, Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Bananarama, Echo & The Bunnymen. Tracy Chapman.

A perfect title of this post would have been ‘Circular and Sustainable’ in the sense of the records being environmentally friendly. The vinyl is made from pvc and is, of course, sustainable in the meaning of surviving wear and tear over long periods and keeping a high quality sound standard. To only argue that the economical footprint still is much less than the streaming musical industry won’t lead to any progress. Research is made today on finding alternative materials to the pvc. This we will follow, learn and spread information about. The vinyl has made a massively strong comeback and the interest for the CD increases again. These media types are back and here to stay!

200, New Genre, Election Day!

metalsouth passes 200 used records offered for sale at the Discogs site (via link below). The collection of used albums there offered may seem without structure. As explained earlier, there is no direct structure, but more being a mirror of musical upbringing and taste of the undersigned. Therefore, we now also bring Hip Hop into the shop based upon impressions and proposals from own and now adult children and their friends.

It is Election Day in USA today, November 3, 2020. metalsouth would like to honor this big day, by here promoting only US music. We wish the American voters the best of luck.

We congratulate Discogs, which turned 20 year old yesterday. ’13 million releases, 7 million artists and almost 60 million items for sale from 150,000 sellers’ (source: Discogs CEO Kevin Lewandoski, mail, 3 Nov., 2020).

The tip of the day for Swedish viewers is a documentary about ‘Jan Johansson – a small film about a big artist’ today on channel SVT1 9:00 p.m. Jan Johanssons important role in Swedish music life and the music careers of his two sons Jens and Anders has recently been described at metalsouth.