A World of Music Festival at the Tivoli gives hopes for repeat!

When The Night Flight Orchestra had performed their last song as the last band of the new three day A World of Music Festival at the Tivoli in Helsingborg on March 29 Goran Raber of ABF (Arbetarnas Bildnings Förbund) as the initiator was called up on stage by Björn Strid. Lots of hugs and standing ovations for Goran’s work to make this idea come true were passed on. By his work totally 20 local bands were given the chance to perform before us happy hard rock-and metal fans. Today some of us can only regret that we didn’t see all of these bands for golden discoveries of more established, but also very new and fine productions. Below will follow some chronological  impressions of the bands, which we happily experienced during the Friday-and Saturday evenings.


(An inspirational article to the posts related to the Festival was published in Helsingborgs Dagblad March 18, 2014, and written by Stefan Lindqvist)

Black Temple – continous victories!


New material was promised via the bands Facebook posts. Not only new material with an after taste of wanting more were thrown in our faces on Friday March 28. These guys are the most original and the most barrier crushing band of all we’ve seen in the region over the last year and of all we will experience during the festival. Variations from fast to slow with patience and fantastic sound waves gives content to what we think is classified as ‘stoner’. Do we really need to classify all we hear or can we just say that this is freaking fantastic Black Temple doing a freaking hard work for an all too small crowd. Still, their performance proves they aren’t effected by how many are there, ten or a thousand, it’s a hard work done with a will of giving it all. Impressive short soundcheck of close to ten minutes and then Marcus Witold Östensson screams ‘Då kör vi!’ (Let’s gooo!). We’re really happy to have been at this gig and look forward so much to a new album!


Riot Horse – another great metalsouth performance!

DSC00085We have greeted Andreas Sydow of Riot Horse a few times at this blog when he has performed the great song Chaos vs. Order together with Darkane invited as a former singer. To see him perform on March 29 on the Tivoli’s big stage on the Festival’s last night was a great experience. Also a little surprising since it was our first encounter with this classic heavy rock band with obvious blues influences. They create the kind of happy southern American atmosphere as bands like Black Stone Cherry. Sorry, for again making a comparison, but we mean here a very beneficial one!! How many great bands do we have in this town and in this region?? It’s unbelievable and I wonder which other town in Sweden of our size ca. 130.000 can compete with us!! We’re happy to live here for many reasons, but the hard rock-and heavy metal supply here is super great!!


We will get even more acquainted with Riot Horse at their new album’s release party at the Metal Bar at Tivoli on May 31. Let’s be there and hear much more of this hard freaking southern American influenced hard rock!!


Royal Acid Orchestra – high energy attitude!

To have the slot just before the festival’s headline act The Night Flight Orchestra with two Soilwork members would be a challenge for any band. After three days of extremely good music it would be pretty easy to take the time,wind down and gather energy for the last band. Despite of this challenge the local Royal Acid Orchestra wakes up everyone with their rash attitude. We have with great interest followed the band’s development via Facebook and the production of their first album ‘Kingdom of Nothing’. We will listen more! We will follow more!! Thanks for a great performance!!DSC00109DSC00101

The Night Flight Orchestra – a trip back to the 70’s!

DSC00137They have been mentioned as a Supergroup with band members from Soilwork (Björn Strid: vocals, David Andersson: guitar), Arch Enemy (Sharlee D’Angelo: bass), Von Benzo (Richard Larsson: keyboards) and Mean Streak (Jonas Källsbäck: drums). For all of us at the Tivoli this night the moment of seeing them together is strong. Growing up with and learning good music during the 1970’s meant musical discoveries as Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. Many in the crowd this evening made references to early days Deep Purple. The Night Flight Orchestra’s only album so far ‘Internal Affairs’ (Coroner Records, 2012) got really good reviews in local press. It was mentioned as a candidate to ‘Best hard rock record of the year’. When the vote was there for 2012 they were nominated in certain press, but didn’t go all the way. All the members in the band give proof of strong musical competence and to hear them play so well together is a pure joy. As a dedicated Soliwork fan it’s in particular gratifying to have Björn Strid singing more traditionally just confirming the great singer he is with a bandwith of infinite capacity. Thanks to The Night Flight Orchestra and thanks to Goran Raber of ABF and Amnezia for making this Festival happen. We can only wish for a repeat next year! This town, this region is so metalsouth!! Let the pictures speak for themselves!

